jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Counter to calculate The Radioactivity for Hans Geiger in 1913

Nuclear energy today represents a third of the energy that is supplied in the EU, avoiding the emission of 700 million tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, so that is highly toxic and carcinogenic. This figure is equivalent to the movement of 200 million cars. An example on a global scale, is the year 1996, which avoided the emission of 2.33 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere through nuclear energy.
Other emissions of pollutants generated in the use of fossil fuels are also avoided. As e.g. nuclear Spanish Santa María of Garoña, which has prevented download air 90 million tons of CO2, 312,000 tonnes NOx, 650,000 tonnes of SO2, as well as 170,000 tons of ashes, containing at the same time more than 5,200 tons of arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead.
Likewise reduces consumption of fossil fuels, generating very little amount of fuel (uranium) far greater reserves energy, thus preventing multitude of expenditure on transport, waste, etc.
Nuclear energy is serving long for many more things than to simply obtain energy. So using radioactive isotopes have been several things in various fields such as: agriculture and food (control of pests, mutations, and conservation of food), medicine (vaccines, nuclear medicine, Radioimmunoassay and radiopharmaceuticals), environment, hydrology, industry and research (plotters, instrumentation, imaging, dating, research and biology).

Energy is uns invention that you could say geneal because we always use for all our ancestors just did not think the danger in the long run several things happen because now thanks to her as well suppose that we harm the environment use and early tardeo ps is everything ends in a way that no clear thought before today and are searching for a solution but the more it takes the greater the problem.

Kinds of ionizing radiation and how to stop it.Alpha particles (helium nuclei) are stopped by bringing a piece of paper. Beta particles (electrons and positrons) are not capable of penetrating a layer of aluminum. However, gamma rays (high energy photons) need a much thicker barrier, the more energy can pass through lead.

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