jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The Gas Engine for Etienne Lenoir in 1860

Lenoir became famous for building, in 1860, one of the first models of heat engine that worked with gas, which subsequently refined according to the scheme of operation based on the four times of Rochas Bean lifecycle. The invention was applied by Lenoir, three years later and in a version improved, a vehicle tricycles that came to walk 10 km, which marked the birth of the blast and booming automotive engine feat.

unveiled in Paris which no doubt would be his most famous invention, a double action of combustion gas engine. The principle on which the machine of Lenoir was based was steam double action. Lenoir invented an engine that worked without understanding, with alternately produced above and below the piston combustion. Turn, the engine had two different gas and two exhaust entries. The input and output of gas was controlled by valve. The ignition of the gas was made by an electrical apparatus induction on distributor ignition and spark plugs.

2 comentarios:

  1. Your work is so nice xD
    there're inventions tht i din't know tht they existed, but is good
    best wishes:) bye !!

  2. wooo! I did not believe that some inventions were many years old, I find it surprising that since then use of course have been modified but not lose their essence, very good job. Congratulations!
